пятница, 12 ноября 2021 г.

Тема внеурочной деятельности: Подготовка к деловой поездке (покупка билетов, заказ отеля, сбор вещей) для 11 А класса


Good afternoon, dear students!

Тема внеурочной деятельности:  Подготовка к деловой поездке (покупка билетов, заказ отеля, сбор вещей)

                                                  Friday, the thirteenth of November



1.Read the dialogues

Buying a ticket

Good morning! What can I do for you?

I am going to fly to New York. Tell me, please, if I can buy a ticket for a flight on Monday, next week?

Do you want a return ticket, sir?

Buying a ticket


When are you going to fly back?

I’d like to buy an open-date ticket.

What class do you want to fly?

I’d prefer economy class.

Just a moment, sir. I’ll check if there are any available seats … Yes, there are a few economy seats left on flight SU 315.

Fine. How much is it? May I pay in cash?

Yes, we accept cash. What is your name, sir?

Victor Pospelov.

Here are your tickets, please.

When does the check in begin?

The plane is due to depart at 7 a.m., so you are to check in one hour prior to the departure, that is at 6 a.m.

And what time does it arrive to New York?

The expected time of arrival to JFK airport is 2 p.m. local time. There is eight hours time difference between Moscow and New York.


 At the Airport Hotel

Good evening.

Good evening, sir. I’m at your service.

I’d like a single room for one night only. I fly back home tomorrow morning.

All right, sir. Fill in this form, please. Write your name and your address here.

Could you wake me up at seven o’clock?

Certainly, sir. Would you like our restaurant room service to bring you breakfast?

Yes, I’d like to.

You can order your breakfast by telephone from your room. Here’s your key, sir. Room 312 is on the third floor. The lift (elevator – по-американски)is on the right.

Thank you very much.


Checking in Регистрация

Good evening. I have reserved a single room for three days at your hotel.

What is your name, please?

Mr. Smith.

Yes. We’ve reserved a room for you. It is room 275. It’s quiet and comfortable. Will you register, please? Here are the forms.

How much do I pay?

Ninety dollars a day plus tax. How will you pay?

Can I pay with a credit card?

Sure. The porter will take your suitcases and show you up to your room.

Thank you.


Checking out  Отъезд

I’m checking out tomorrow. Could you, please, make out the bill?

Just a moments, please. Here’s your bill for the apartment, telephone and room service.

How can I pay?

You can pay here with your credit card.

Could you send my suitcases down tomorrow?

Certainly, sir. How did you like staying at our hotel?

I liked the service and the meals in your restaurant were excellent.

I’m glad you liked it here. I hope you will stay at our hotel again next time when you come to our city.


Flight bookings       Ticket booking    Бронирование билета

I’d like to make an airline reservation.  Я бы хотел забронировать билет на самолет.

I’d like to book a seat to Moscow.          Я бы хотел заказать билет до Москвы.

One business class / economy class ticket to Moscow, please. Один билет до Москвы в бизнес-классе/экономклассе, пожалуйста.

I’d like to make a reservation on the Moscow flight.      Я бы хотел забронировать билет на московский рейс.

I’d like to make a reservation on the 7.45 evening flight from London to Boston.

Нow much is an air ticket to Moscow?  Сколько стоит билет на самолет в Москву?

How much is a child’s ticket?     Сколько стоит детский билет?

Is there any discount?  Есть ли какие-нибудь скидки?              

What flights are to Moscow Domodedovo?       Какие рейсы есть до аэропорта Домодедово в Москве?

Is it a connecting flight?               Это рейс с пересадкой?

Does the flight land somewhere before the final destination? В этом рейсе есть промежуточные посадки?

Is that a direct flight?    Это прямой рейс?

Where do we land before the final destination?             Где у нас будет промежуточная посадка?

How long does the flight take? Как долго продолжается полет?

Do they serve food?     Во время полета будут кормить?

What can I take to the cabin?    Что я могу взять с собой в салон?

I’d like a window seat, please.  Я бы предпочел место у окна, пожалуйста.

I’d like an aisle seat, please.       Я бы предпочел место рядом с проходом, пожалуйста.       

Is there a bus to the airport?     В аэропорт ходит автобус?

What time do I have to check in?            В какое время я должен пройти регистрацию на рейс?

Where do I check in?    Где проходит регистрация?

When is boarding time?               Когда посадка?

When does boarding begin?      Когда начинается посадка на рейс?

Where will you be flying?            Куда вы летите?

What is your final destination? Каков ваш пункт прибытия?

Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat?  Вы предпочитаете место у окна или рядом с проходом?

Flight number 777 will take off from LaGuardia Airport at 7.45 PM.         Рейс №777 отправится из аэропорта Ла-Гуардия в 19:45.

The plane starts boarding at 7 p.m.        Посадка на рейс начнется в 19:00.

Boarding will start 45 minutes before the departure time.          Посадка начнется за 45 минут до отправления.

I’m calling to confirm my reservation for tomorrow. It’s on British Airlines flight 777.     Я звоню подтвердить свое бронирование на завтра. Это British Airlines, рейс 777.


I’d like to change my reservation.           Я бы хотел изменить свое бронирование.

I’d like to cancel my reservation.             Я бы хотел отменить свое бронирование.

When is the next flight to London?        Когда следующий/ближайший рейс до Лондона?

Will this flight leave on time?     Этот рейс отправится по расписанию / вовремя?

Can I get my refund for another ticket?               Я могу вернуть деньги за другой билет?

 Домашнее задание: Выучить один из диалогов и записать в тетрадь



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