четверг, 11 ноября 2021 г.

Внеурочная деятельность :“How to leave a voicemail message?”. “How to write a Letter of Complaint ?” для 11 класса


Good afternoon, students!

Тема внеурочной деятельности: “How to leave a voicemail message?”. “How to write a Letter of Complaint ?”

Friday, the twelfth of November

1.Read the theory

How to leave a voice message.

1.Продумайте заранее, о чем будете говорить, чтобы ваша речь не превратилась в бесконечную тираду

2.Всегда представляйтесь (introduce yourself) в начале сообщения, укажите свое имя, должность и название компании. Например:

Hello. This is Emily Evans, assistant manager of “A Good Company Ltd”.

3.Говорите четко, прямо в трубку телефона (receiver) не спеша, чтобы в сообщении было понятно каждое слово, не держите трубку между плечом и щекой, чтобы ваш голос не искажался.

4.Будьте лаконичны. Во многих телефонных сетях существует минутное или двухминутное ограничение (limit) на голосовые сообщения. Имеет смысл сообщить краткое резюме (short summary), причины звонка (reason for your call), а в конце сказать:

Please call me back / return my call and we will go through the issue together in more detail. – Пожалуйста, перезвоните, и мы вместе обсудим вопрос более детально.

5.Если звонок прервался (dropped) до того, как вы закончили, позвоните еще раз и начните (lead off) с упоминания, что, скорее всего, ваше предыдущее сообщение было прервано. Например:

Hello. This is Emily Evans, assistant manager of “A Good Company Ltd”. My previous message must have been cut off. Let me repeat it, please… – Здравствуйте. Это Эмили Эванс, помощник управляющего “A Good Company Ltd”. Очевидно, мое предыдущее сообщение было прервано. Разрешите мне повторить…

Обязательно завершите ваше голосовое сообщение, указав свою контактную информацию (contact information): Thanks for your time. Please call me at 000 1234567. –

Read the example:

Financial report          

Hello, Mr. Powell. This is Mary Jee, your account manager with “Your accounting Ltd”. I’m just calling to let you know that we require your financial report data, urgently. I’m leaving for Brussels in two days and I’d like to finalize your report before that. Please give me a call if you have questions. You can call at 000 123456789. Thanks.

Hello, Mr. Powell. This is Mary Jee, your account manager with “Your accounting Ltd”. I’m just calling to let you know that we require your financial report data, urgently. I’m leaving for Brussels in two days and I’d like to finalize your report before that. Please give me a call if you have questions. You can call at 000 123456789. Thanks.


How to write a Letter of Complaint

1.KISS your letter of complaint. Письмо-жалоба – это не сочинение на вольную тему. Поэтому руководствуйтесь принципом KISS = keep it short and simple.

2. Нейтральность 3. Формальный стиль 4. Дополнительные документы 


 I am writing to draw your attention to… – Я пишу с целью привлечь ваше внимание к

I am writing in connection with… – Я пишу в связи с…

I wish to express my displeasure… – Я бы хотел выразить свое недовольство

I assume we can sort this matter out amicably. – Я надеюсь, мы можем разрешить эту ситуацию мирным путем.

I suggest finding a solution that will suit both sides. – Я предлагаю найти решение, которое устроит обе стороны

I believe we can solve this problem amicably. – Я верю, что мы можем решить эту проблему мирным путем.

If you don’t find the way out, I will be forced to take further actions. – Если вы не найдете выход из ситуации, я буду вынуждена принять дальнейшие меры.


Penn Roy
Paradise Hotel
Sunset str., 56
Boston, USA

Dear Hotel Manager,

I was on a business trip to Boston. It wasn’t my first mission to the city. I frequently visit Boston and always stay in your hotel. Unfortunately, this time I had the worst experience of living in hotels I’ve ever had.

My room was uncleaned. There was hair in a bathroom. The bedclothes were dirty. It seemed that the room hadn’t been cleaned by my arrival. I was disappointed and complain to a manager on this issue. He relocated me to another room and apologized. Still, I noticed roaches in the other room. I had to spend several hours in the hall.

I think it is reasonable to ask for a refund. I hope that you’ll sort this matter out and hold your reputation. I like your hotel but this time it disappointed me.

Best regards, Victoria


ГостиницаПретензия к сотрудникам отеля

Jessica Parker,

Astonway Street, 34,

London, 23456

27th of May

Christine Goward

Relax Hotel,

Burning Street, 7,

London, 76535

Dear Hotel Manager:

My family and I recently stayed at your beautiful hotel on the Lake Erie shoreline. I was excited for our trip, but our room was not as it has been in the past. I notified the shift manager, but she was less than willing to accommodate us in switching rooms, as your hotel was full. She offered us a partial refund, but nearly everything in the area was booked solid. We booked our room for the week of May 19-25 but only ended up staying from May 19-may 21st.

 When we first arrived, we got the room we always stay in, room 22. Upon unpacking our luggage, we noticed there were roaches in various locations in the room. We promptly notified the front desk and they sent someone to spray the room. While the room was being sprayed we had to find somewhere to go for about six hours. The beds clothes were clean but had holes in them. The staff on duty could have cared less that we were unsatisfied. The room was not clean and this non-smoking room had been smoked in.

  We have been staying in your hotel for more than twenty years and have never had such service. Even though I had    to pay for the entire week up front, we left after two days and went home. I asked the front clerk for a refund but they were less than willing to accommodate. I would like a full refund of my money that I spent in your hotel that week. If can be sent to the address above.

Jessica Parker​

Write a Letter of Complaint or a voicemail message



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Тема: Словообразование. Фразовый глагол GET для 8 А класса